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504 Trending Thankful Quotes
Most popular quotes in Thankful category.
I wouldn't change anything. I've made mistakes, but thanks to those mistakes, I've learned.
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that thankfulness is indeed a virtue.
Most people repent their sins by thanking God they ain't so wicked as their neighbors.
God has two dwellings; one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart.
Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.
I don't need a holiday or a feast to feel grateful for my children, the sun, the moon, the roof over my head, music, and laughter, but I like to take this time to take the path of thanks less traveled.
When you are grateful - when you can see what you have - you unlock blessings to flow in your life.
The simple act of saying 'thank you' is a demonstration of gratitude in response to an experience that was meaningful to a customer or citizen.
Immensely grateful, touched, proud, astonished, abashed.
Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.
Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.
Should it happen tomorrow, I would fall to my knees to give thanks to God for such a career.
Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.
Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it.
When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others.
When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.
I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.
The trick is to be grateful when your mood is high and graceful when it is low.
No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.
I've been giving back since I was a teen, handing out turkeys at Thanksgiving and handing out toys at toys drives for Christmas. It's very important to give back as a youth. It's as simple as helping an old lady across the street or giving up your seat on the bus for someone who is pregnant.
From too much love of living, From hope and fear set free, We thank with brief thanksgiving Whatever gods may be That no life lives for ever; That dead men rise up never; That even the weariest river Winds somewhere safe to sea.
The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
It is another's fault if he be ungrateful, but it is mine if I do not give. To find one thankful man, I will oblige a great many that are not so.
Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.
It's been quite a roller coaster ride, but I've grown and learned a lot about myself. The greatest thing is being able to interact with fans and touch people's lives... for that I give thanks.
When a person doesn't have gratitude, something is missing in his or her humanity.
The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!
Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.
Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.
I'm thankful for the ability to share my faith in a lot of different places. It's something that I take as a responsibility and an obligation to handle as best as I can.
It is just that we should be grateful, not only to those with whose views we may agree, but also to those who have expressed more superficial views; for these also contributed something, by developing before us the powers of thought.
Never take anything for granted.
Of all the characteristics needed for both a happy and morally decent life, none surpasses gratitude. Grateful people are happier, and grateful people are more morally decent.
Thankfully, dreams can change. If we'd all stuck with our first dream, the world would be overrun with cowboys and princesses.
I'm very thankful to be doing what I'm doing. I feel very blessed.
At Thanksgiving, I always start at the top of my list and say I'm grateful for friends, family, and good health. Then I get more superficial... like being thankful for my Louboutins.
I'm grateful for the opportunities God gave me to minister to people in high places; people in power have spiritual and personal needs like everyone else, and often they have no one to talk to.
The first thing I do when I start my day is, I get down on my hands and knees and give thanks to God. Whenever I go outside of my house, the first thing I do is stop at the church.
If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.
A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.
Thanksgiving is a time when the world gets to see just how blessed and how workable the Christian system is. The emphasis is not on giving or buying, but on being thankful and expressing that appreciation to God and to one another.
Well, there's not a day goes by when I don't get up and say thank you to somebody.
Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.
None of us got to where we are alone. Whether the assistance we received was obvious or subtle, acknowledging someone's help is a big part of understanding the importance of saying thank you.
If you suffer, thank God! It is a sure sign that you are alive.
Every one of our greatest national treasures, our liberty, enterprise, vitality, wealth, military power, global authority, flow from a surprising source: our ability to give thanks.
I believe that if you don't derive a deep sense of purpose from what you do, if you don't come radiantly alive several times a day, if you don't feel deeply grateful at the tremendous good fortune that has been bestowed on you, then you are wasting your life. And life is too short to waste.
The brave who focus on all things good and all things beautiful and all things true, even in the small, who give thanks for it and discover joy even in the here and now, they are the change agents who bring fullest Light to all the world.
Every Thanksgiving, we all write down three things we're thankful for and put them in a hat. Then we pass the hat around the dinner table and everyone has to guess who wrote what!
I'm just thankful for everything, all the blessings in my life, trying to stay that way. I think that's the best way to start your day and finish your day. It keeps everything in perspective.
Gratitude changes the pangs of memory into a tranquil joy.
I feel grateful because I have a lot of love in my life. I found the person I'm sharing my life with. I have a good man.
Many of our prayers were not answered, and for this we are now grateful.
I am thankful, of course, for the prize and thankful to God for each story, each idea, each word, each day.
Dear Lord, I'm so grateful I'm still loved.
Be thankful for problems. If they were less difficult, someone with less ability might have your job.
Gratitude is a duty which ought to be paid, but which none have a right to expect.
A single grateful thought toward heaven is the most perfect prayer.
Thanksgiving is a time when the world gets to see just how blessed and how workable the Christian system is. The emphasis is not on giving or buying, but on being thankful and expressing that appreciation to God and to one another.
When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.
I'm thankful for the incredible advances in medicine that have taken place during my lifetime. I almost certainly wouldn't still be here if it weren't for them.
Let us be grateful to the mirror for revealing to us our appearance only.
Keep your eyes open to your mercies. The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life.
Take heed, then, often to come together to give thanks to God, and show forth His praise. For when you assemble frequently in the same place, the powers of Satan are destroyed, and the destruction at which he aims is prevented by the unity of your faith.
Whatever we are waiting for - peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance - it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.
Thank you for life, and all the little ups and downs that make it worth living.
I'm thankful to have Jesus as my Savior. My relationship with God has always been one to where I'm talking to him all day, every day, about anything and everything. It's just a continuous ongoing conversation that I have with the Lord, and I feel like that's brought me closer to Him.
I'm so thankful for the active obedience of Christ. No hope without it.
I know that when I pray, something wonderful happens. Not just to the person or persons for whom I'm praying, but also something wonderful happens to me. I'm grateful that I'm heard.
When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.
I'm thankful to be breathing, on this side of the grass. Whatever comes, comes.
Look folks, we know who built this country and we know who is going to rebuild it. It's you. Instead of vilifying you, we should be thanking you. We owe you.
Be true to yourself, help others, make each day your masterpiece, make friendship a fine art, drink deeply from good books - especially the Bible, build a shelter against a rainy day, give thanks for your blessings and pray for guidance every day.
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.
Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining - it bores everybody else, does you no good, and doesn't solve any problems.
I give all the glory to God. It's kind of a win-win situation. The glory goes up to Him and the blessings fall down on me.
Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy.
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.
I'm grateful for my brokenness. I'm grateful for my humility.
Whatever life throws at me I'll take it and be grateful for it as well.
I'd like to say to all my fans out there, thanks for the support. And to all my doubters, thank you very much because you guys have also pushed me.
Old age is not a matter for sorrow. It is matter for thanks if we have left our work done behind us.
Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible to travel across the country from coast to coast without seeing anything.
By and large, the gospel of grace is neither proclaimed, understood, nor lived.
No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.
There's no happier person than a truly thankful, content person.
I was given such a great gift. It's a miracle that never stops amazing me and reminding me to give thanks, every day. Having a wife and daughter gives me a lot more purpose. I was much more selfish before, but now I think about what kind of role model I'll be. I just want to be a better man.
'Thank you' is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.
I'm thankful to my family, friends, and fans for all of their support.
I'm thankful for serendipitous moments in my life, where things could've gone the other way.
Such lovely warmth of thought and delicacy of colour are beyond all praise, and equally beyond all thanks!
I'm grateful for always this moment, the now, no matter what form it takes.
Charity never humiliated him who profited from it, nor ever bound him by the chains of gratitude, since it was not to him but to God that the gift was made.
Thank you, dear God, for this good life and forgive us if we do not love it enough. Thank you for the rain. And for the chance to wake up in three hours and go fishing: I thank you for that now, because I won't feel so thankful then.
Does not the gratitude of the dog put to shame any man who is ungrateful to his benefactors?
Unseasonable kindness gets no thanks.
Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.