Famous Quotes

59 Trending Insight & Perception Quotes

Most popular quotes in Insight & Perception category.

There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.

Aldous Huxley

The ordinary experiences of aging alter and clarify your view of past, present, and future.

Edith Pearlman

One of the things your unconscious mind does for you - and it's a great gift - is it gives you extra courage to view the outer world and it does that by giving you an extra-special view of yourself.

Leonard Mlodinow

Everybody experiences far more than he understands. Yet it is experience, rather than understanding, that influences behavior.

Marshall McLuhan

For passion, be it observed, brings insight with it; it can give a sort of intelligence to simpletons, fools, and idiots, especially during youth.

Honore de Balzac

All the world's combined knowledge is at our fingertips. But the same technology that makes this possible is robbing us of deeper insight.

John Landgraf

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.

Marcel Proust

Trust in yourself. Your perceptions are often far more accurate than you are willing to believe.

Claudia Black

We do not see nature with our eyes, but with our understandings and our hearts.

William Hazlitt

We have a hunger of the mind which asks for knowledge of all around us, and the more we gain, the more is our desire; the more we see, the more we are capable of seeing.

Maria Mitchell

Through systematic exercising of our thinking faculties, we can train ourselves for exact clairvoyance. Imaginative Knowledge is the first step in supersensible perception, and through it we reach the first element of the supersensible it is possible to reach, namely, the supersensible body that we bear within our earthly body in physical space.

Rudolf Steiner

The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

Carl Jung

In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration.

Ansel Adams

Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for it. Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists, other, new insights begin.

Hermann Hesse

We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect. The judgement of the intellect is only part of the truth.

Carl Jung

Abstraction is one of the greatest visionary tools ever invented by human beings to imagine, decipher, and depict the world.

Jerry Saltz

Intelligence is the ability to take in information from the world and to find patterns in that information that allow you to organize your perceptions and understand the external world.

Brian Greene

Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.


The intellect of the wise is like glass; it admits the light of heaven and reflects it.

Augustus Hare

Intelligence is the ability to solve problems, and consciousness is the ability to feel things and have subjective experiences.

Yuval Noah Harari

Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.

Wayne Dyer

Imagination is not something apart and hermetic, not a way of leaving reality behind; it is a way of engaging reality.

Irving Howe

The channels of intuitive knowledge are opened according to the intensity of individual need.

Jane Roberts

If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.

William Blake

There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic.

Anais Nin

Imagination is the eye of the soul.

Joseph Joubert

Perspective is not a science but a hope.

John Berger

The two operations of our understanding, intuition and deduction, on which alone we have said we must rely in the acquisition of knowledge.

Rene Descartes

Where you are in consciousness has everything to do with what you see in experience.

Eric Butterworth

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge.

Daniel J. Boorstin

The best vision is insight.

Malcolm Forbes

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

Carl Jung

The world we see that seems so insane is the result of a belief system that is not working. To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in our minds.

William James

If one is master of one thing and understands one thing well, one has at the same time, insight into and understanding of many things.

Vincent Van Gogh

Empathy begins with understanding life from another person's perspective. Nobody has an objective experience of reality. It's all through our own individual prisms.

Sterling K. Brown

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.

Anais Nin

All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions.

Leonardo da Vinci

When you start using senses you've neglected, your reward is to see the world with completely fresh eyes.

Barbara Sher

Thought is the wind and knowledge the sail.

David Hare

To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.

Tony Robbins

All knowledge or form conception is evoked through the medium of the eye, either in response to disturbances directly received on the retina or to their fainter secondary effects and reverberations. Other sense organs can only call forth feelings which have no reality of existence and of which no conception can be formed.

Nikola Tesla

A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

I would urge everyone to start looking at the world in a different way. Spend some time looking at everyday objects, at their design, their shape, their individual characteristics. Think ahead and imagine their significance.

Martin Parr

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.

Jonathan Swift

There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.

Aldous Huxley

The human imagination... has great difficulty in living strictly within the confines of a materialist practice or philosophy. It dreams, like a dog in its basket, of hares in the open.

John Berger

Reading is a technology for perspective-taking. When someone else's thoughts are in your head, you are observing the world from that person's vantage point.

Steven Pinker

Most people see what they expect to see, what they want to see, what they've been told to see, what conventional wisdom tells them to see - not what is right in front of them in its pristine condition.

Vincent Bugliosi

You will obtain a vision of matter that is perhaps fatiguing for your imagination, but pure and stripped of what the requirements of life make you add to it in external perception.

Henri Bergson

A discerning eye needs only a hint, and understatement leaves the imagination free to build its own elaborations.

Russell Page

The ability to perceive or think differently is more important than the knowledge gained.

David Bohm

Knowledge born of the finest discrimination takes us to the farthest shore. It is intuitive, omniscient, and beyond all divisions of time and space.


Ends and purposes, whether they exist as conscious or subconscious tendencies, form the wrap and woof of our conscious experience.

Muhammad Iqbal

Philosophy and Art both render the invisible visible by imagination.

George Henry Lewes

Many spiritual teachers - in Buddhism, in Islam - have talked about first-hand experience of the world as an important part of the path to wisdom, to enlightenment.

bell hooks

There are worlds of experience beyond the world of the aggressive man, beyond history, and beyond science. The moods and qualities of nature and the revelations of great art are equally difficult to define; we can grasp them only in the depths of our perceptive spirit.

Ansel Adams

Imagination is the wide-open eye which leads us always to see truth more vividly.

Christopher Fry

We can't change anything until we get some fresh ideas, until we begin to see things differently.

James Hillman

Studies have shown that 90% of error in thinking is due to error in perception. If you can change your perception, you can change your emotion and this can lead to new ideas.

Edward de Bono