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The meteoric rise of the 'wellness' industry online has launched an entire industry of fitness celebrities on social media. Millions of followers embrace their regimens for diet and exercise, but increasingly, the drive for 'wellness' and 'clean eating' has become stealthy cover for more dieting and deprivation.

Rachel Simmons

Sadness, irritability, fatigue, and distractedness are among the most common side effects of grief while parenting.

Rachel Simmons

There are no shortcuts to genuine friendship. Relationships are built over time.

Rachel Simmons

When girls can be honest with each other, they can make mistakes on their own terms and discover through experience - and not through knee-jerk adult intervention - what a healthy friendship should look like.

Rachel Simmons

Jealousy is unavoidable - it's part of the price we pay for intimacy.

Rachel Simmons

We have to teach girls communication skills.

Rachel Simmons

Jealousy is unavoidable - it's part of the price we pay for intimacy.

Rachel Simmons

There are times in every friendship when you or your friend are too busy to call or are more focused on other relationships. It will hurt, but it's rarely personal. Making it personal usually makes things worse, and being too clingy or demanding can drive a friend even further away. Like people, friendships can get 'overworked' and need to rest.

Rachel Simmons

Happiness doesn't just happen. It must be pursued. And if the pursuit of the 'ultimate currency' of happiness helps us choose occupations that confer present and future benefit, and these choices, in turn, motivate us to succeed, this strikes me as perhaps the most powerful non-cognitive skill of all.

Rachel Simmons

Somebody once told me I treated my smart phone like Wilson, the volleyball Tom Hanks turns into a friend when he's stranded on a desert island in that movie 'Castaway.' It's an apt comparison: parenting a toddler occasionally feels like being marooned, and your phone is your only connection to the rest of the world.

Rachel Simmons