Famous Quotes

62 Trending Self-Control & Restraint Quotes

Most popular quotes in Self-Control & Restraint category.

In general I was a good kid. It usually took a lot to make me mad. But once I reached the boiling point, I lost all rational control. Totally without thinking, when my anger was aroused, I grabbed the nearest brick, rock, or stick to bash someone. It was as if I had no conscious will in the matter.

Ben Carson

Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled, either by a power within them, or by a power without them; either by the word of God, or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible, or by the bayonet.

Robert Charles Winthrop

I think the future of psychotherapy and psychology is in the school system. We need to teach every child how to rarely seriously disturb himself or herself and how to overcome disturbance when it occurs.

Albert Ellis

Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.

Abraham Joshua Heschel

A desire to be in charge of our own lives, a need for control, is born in each of us. It is essential to our mental health, and our success, that we take control.

Robert Foster Bennett

Whether you call it Buddhism or another religion, self-discipline, that's important. Self-discipline with awareness of consequences.

Dalai Lama

Discipline is based on pride, on meticulous attention to details, and on mutual respect and confidence. Discipline must be a habit so ingrained that it is stronger than the excitement of the goal or the fear of failure.

Gary Ryan Blair

I think part of the way in which kids develop emotional and psychological resiliency is by having some independence.

Kim Brooks

Being forced to work, and forced to do your best, will breed in you temperance and self-control, diligence and strength of will, cheerfulness and content, and a hundred virtues which the idle will never know.

Charles Kingsley

Be still and cool in thine own mind and spirit.

George Fox

Never raise your hand to your children - it leaves your midsection unprotected.

Robert Orben

Patience means restraining one's inclinations.

Tokugawa Ieyasu

When restraint and courtesy are added to strength, the latter becomes irresistible.

Mahatma Gandhi

I think self-reliance and self-responsibility and self-accountability will help you as a parent, a teacher, as a citizen as a friend.

Henry Rollins

In a storm of struggles, I have tried to control the elements, clasp the fist tight so as to protect self and happiness. But stress can be an addiction, and worry can be our lunge for control, and we forget the answer to this moment is always yes because of Christ.

Ann Voskamp

Children should have enough freedom to be themselves - once they've learned the rules.

Anna Quindlen

In order to defend freedom of expression, we each need to exercise personal responsibility. We need to make good choices about how we behave, based not on fear of strong legal repercussion or fear of the mob, but out of respect for ourselves and others.

Kemi Badenoch

Controlled aggression, to me, is one of the most important traits to have. To have that social intelligence to know when to exert aggression in the military environment, and when to stay calm, cool, and collected.

Jonny Kim

To rule one's anger is well; to prevent it is better.

Tryon Edwards

Just because you're struggling with self-discipline doesn't mean you have to raise the white flag and declare your self-improvement efforts a complete failure. Instead, work to increase the chances that you'll stick to your healthier habits - even when you don't feel like it.

Amy Morin

Anger, and the self-righteousness that is both the cause and consequence of anger, tends to be easier on the psyche than personal responsibility.

Barry Eisler

I wasn't rebellious. Other friends had far stricter parents and where there wasn't a relationship of respect and communication, they were usually the opposite; kids go to the other extreme.

Randa Abdel-Fattah

In the last analysis, our only freedom is the freedom to discipline ourselves.

Bernard Baruch

Anger is a momentary madness, so control your passion or it will control you.

G. M. Trevelyan

I think people should have the legal right to hurt themselves without fearing that they're going to get locked up for doing so. But on a personal level, if someone I loved was hurting himself or herself in front of me, I would, of course, try to restrain them.

Chester Brown

Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power.

Clint Eastwood

Self-control is true power.

Marco Pierre White

Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power.

Clint Eastwood

Take control of your consistent emotions and begin to consciously and deliberately reshape your daily experience of life.

Tony Robbins

The child supplies the power but the parents have to do the steering.

Benjamin Spock

Discipline is wisdom and vice versa.

M. Scott Peck

The power to arrest - to deprive a citizen of liberty - must be used fairly, responsibly, and without bias.

Loretta Lynch

When I was on the bench, I used to have a yellow pad, and I put on the pad at the beginning of the day, 'patience' and 'restraint.'

Joseph Wapner

Even in the most peaceful communities, an appetite for violence shows up in dreams, fantasies, sports, play, literature, movies and television. And, so long as we don't transform into angels, violence and the threat of violence - as in punishment and deterrence - is needed to rein in our worst instincts.

Paul Bloom

Properly used, positive reinforcement is extremely powerful.

B. F. Skinner

You have to trust your body to take care of you.

A. J. Langer

There was a three-year chunk as a teen where I should have been tranquilized and put in a cage.

Melissa McCarthy

How can we maximize the benefit of our nightly sleep? Turn off cell phones, computers, televisions, and any other distracting devices before bedtime to establish an atmosphere of calm and restfulness.

Margaret Cuomo

Strength instead of being the lusty child of passion, grows by grappling with and subduing them.

James M. Barrie

Consumer technology and medical tools have been created to benefit our daily lives. Without self-regulation, though, the industry could be at risk of potentially halting years of innovation and stunting growth in this field.

Ariel Garten

Your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life. You can find the freedom that comes from being in charge of yourself.

Robert Foster Bennett

Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.

Frank Herbert

Because of their size, parents may be difficult to discipline properly.

P. J. O'Rourke

Let's reintroduce corporal punishment in the schools - and use it on the teachers.

P. J. O'Rourke

The content of most textbooks is perishable, but the tools of self-directedness serve one well over time.

Albert Bandura

Work while you work, play while you play - this is a basic rule of repressive self-discipline.

Theodor W. Adorno

People who believe they have the power to exercise some measure of control over their lives are healthier, more effective and more successful than those who lack faith in their ability to effect changes in their lives.

Albert Bandura

Self-management and self-control are the keys to advanced knowledge, and both are difficult to learn without a sense of your own cultural identity.


While discipline and freedom seem like they sit on opposite sides of the spectrum, they are actually very connected.

Jocko Willink

Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life.

Marilu Henner

Anger, if not restrained, is frequently more hurtful to us than the injury that provokes it.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Human nature is complex. Even if we do have inclinations toward violence, we also have inclination to empathy, to cooperation, to self-control.

Steven Pinker

Human freedom involves our capacity to pause, to choose the one response toward which we wish to throw our weight.

Rollo May

To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is the Art of Peace.

Morihei Ueshiba

Every child senses, with all the horse sense that's in him, that any parent is angry inside when children misbehave and they dread more the anger that is rarely or never expressed openly, wondering how awful it might be.

Benjamin Spock

Allowing children to show their guilt, show their grief, show their anger, takes the sting out of the situation.

Martha Beck

You have to keep your sanity as well as know how to distance yourself from it while still holding onto the reins tightly. That is a very difficult thing to do, but I'm learning.

Diahann Carroll

A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe.

Wayne Dyer

Self-government won't work without self-discipline.

Paul Harvey

Freedom is not procured by a full enjoyment of what is desired, but by controlling the desire.


A period of detention in a chilly upstate facility can be a great attitude adjuster.

Judy Sheindlin

No sex, age, or condition is above or below the absolute necessity of modesty; but without it one vastly beneath the rank of man.

Bruce Barton

In elementary school, we should teach nonviolent conflict resolution and healthy communication skills, which will help children cope with issues like rejection and sexuality later in life.

Jane Velez-Mitchell