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Trending Katie Lee Quotes

I love spicy food, so I'm not sure why I have this aversion to wasabi, but I really detest it.

Katie Lee

I don't subscribe to that no-carb thing. I'm so sick of the Atkins diet and all that. First of all, if you're not eating carbs, all you do is think about them. It's one of those things that you take out, and initially, you lose weight, but you are miserable.

Katie Lee

I use coconut oil in my cooking and as a beauty product. It's great for sauteing and baking and makes the best moisturizer and hair treatment. I'm coconut-oil obsessed!

Katie Lee

I use coconut oil in my cooking and as a beauty product. It's great for sauteing and baking and makes the best moisturizer and hair treatment. I'm coconut-oil obsessed!

Katie Lee

Betrayal is one of my biggest fears. Betrayal happens on many different levels all the time, and there is no worse feeling than realizing someone you thought you could trust has gone against you.

Katie Lee