Famous Quotes

Trending Amitava Kumar Quotes

Each employed immigrant has his or her place of work. It is only the taxi driver, forever moving on wheels, who occupies no fixed space. He represents the immigrant condition.

Amitava Kumar

In the poetry of immigrants, nostalgia is as common as confetti at parades or platitudes at political conventions.

Amitava Kumar

Culture survives in smaller spaces - not in the history books that erect monuments to the nation's grand history but in cafes and cinema houses, village squares, and half-forgotten libraries.

Amitava Kumar

Muslim anger has, of course, been stoked by America's war in Iraq and by Israel's brutal policies toward Palestine and Lebanon.

Amitava Kumar

There is a great deal of freshness and charm in '400 Blows.' There is also a great deal of visual poetry in the way in which Truffaut's camera looks at his beloved city.

Amitava Kumar

In the poetry of immigrants, nostalgia is as common as confetti at parades or platitudes at political conventions.

Amitava Kumar