Famous Quotes

Trending John Glenn Quotes

I can't say I've ever had a dream about space or that I ponder it all the time.

John Glenn

Old folks have dreams and ambitions too, like everybody else. Don't sit on a couch someplace.

John Glenn

There is still no cure for the common birthday.

John Glenn

The most important thing we can do is inspire young minds and to advance the kind of science, math and technology education that will help youngsters take us to the next phase of space travel.

John Glenn

The most important thing we can do is inspire young minds and to advance the kind of science, math and technology education that will help youngsters take us to the next phase of space travel.

John Glenn

An end of something means the beginning of something else, and I don't think that something else is going to be the death of the manned space program.

John Glenn

Probably, had World War II not come along and intervened, I would have tried to be a doctor. My son's a doctor, and I still take some medical journals to this day.

John Glenn