Famous Quotes

Trending James Cash Penney Quotes

Luck is always the last refuge of laziness and incompetence.

James Cash Penney

The greatest teacher I know is the job itself.

James Cash Penney

I never trust an executive who tends to pass the buck. Nor would I want to deal with him as a customer or a supplier.

James Cash Penney

I believe in trusting men, not only once but twice - in giving a failure another chance.

James Cash Penney

No matter what his position or experience in life, there is in everyone more latent than developed ability; far more unused than used power.

James Cash Penney

The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.

James Cash Penney

No business can succeed in any great degree without being properly organized.

James Cash Penney

The art of effective listening is essential to clear communication, and clear communication is necessary to management success.

James Cash Penney

The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.

James Cash Penney