Famous Quotes

Trending Ethan Hawke Quotes

It was never in my dreams to make my personal life anybody else's business.

Ethan Hawke

My relationship to reality has been so utterly skewed for so long that I don't even notice it any more. It's just my reality.

Ethan Hawke

If my kids are doing well, then my life is going pretty well. And if my kids aren't doing well, it doesn't matter how the other elements of my life are. It's kind of amazing to have a context like that. This is really wonderful.

Ethan Hawke

It's difficult to do a genre film well, and it doesn't matter if you're talking vampire movies or 'Dawn of the Dead' or 'The Thing' or 'Escape From New York.' Those kind of movies, they understand what the old-school B-movie is supposed to be, they get the throwback of it.

Ethan Hawke

In all of our society, but especially in Hollywood, there is an obsession with perfection that can lead to self-loathing and neurosis and all that kind of stuff.

Ethan Hawke

I'd be lying if I said I had confidence in every choice I've made, that I have faith in every film I do on every shot.

Ethan Hawke

I think that as soon as you think of yourself as a famous person or anything like that, you're objectifying yourself in some weird way.

Ethan Hawke

If I do three movies in a year, I don't feel like acting ever again.

Ethan Hawke

At every turn, when humanity is asked the question, 'Do you want temporary economic gain or long-term environmental loss, which one do you prefer,' we invariably choose the money.

Ethan Hawke

The biggest problem in my life is trying to be the kind of man that I want to be, the father that I want to be, and how to process the failure of my marriage.

Ethan Hawke

I'd be lying if I said I had confidence in every choice I've made, that I have faith in every film I do on every shot.

Ethan Hawke

We live in a funny time. If you don't go corporate, you can't compete. You're relegated as irrelevant. People used to admire that.

Ethan Hawke

I always felt that a marriage works best at a farm... where you're together and everybody has clear-cut roles; they have chores, 'you take care of this' and you know. But it's hard.

Ethan Hawke