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Trending Ilhan Omar Quotes

I think a big part of my faith teachings is to work together towards equality: that we're all created equal, and under the eyes of God, we all have a right to freedom and to access our rights equally.

Ilhan Omar

The house I was born in in Somalia was right next to a big market. A lot of beggars or panhandlers would be in front of our house constantly, and my grandfather and grandmother would always invite them in to have food with us and have them take whatever was left over.

Ilhan Omar

I find hope in knowing that I belong to a state that has a lot of people who are champions of change and progress; that we will rise up and fight for justice and equality; that, ultimately, love will trump hate.

Ilhan Omar

Since 2011, I am happy to say that I have reconciled with Ahmed Hirsi; we have married in our faith tradition and are raising our family together. Like all families, we have had our ups and downs, but we are proud to have come through it together.

Ilhan Omar

Hope will be found by understanding that diversity is the essence of the American Dream and why we need each other to fulfill it.

Ilhan Omar

Minnesota's diversity should be its greatest strength, but our neglect of nonwhite students has stifled our progress toward growth and equity.

Ilhan Omar

This country gave us hope. This country allowed for us to develop our own identity and to create our own home. And we should not look down on the next person that is trying to do that.

Ilhan Omar

This is a land of immigrants, and most come here for opportunity, a second chance.

Ilhan Omar

We've become the party that wants to appease everyone and no one. And I think the only way that the Democrats become viable again is if we have people who have moral clarity and courage to say what they need to say and fight for what they need to fight for.

Ilhan Omar

Learning is not limited to the classroom, and Minnesota shouldn't limit its education resources there, either.

Ilhan Omar

We've become the party that wants to appease everyone and no one. And I think the only way that the Democrats become viable again is if we have people who have moral clarity and courage to say what they need to say and fight for what they need to fight for.

Ilhan Omar

I grew up in a household where we all celebrated who we were. There was no space to make people feel different or 'less than.'

Ilhan Omar

We can all agree that we need to be helping small businesses. All of us can agree that the cost of higher education is too high, and college debt is too big of a burden for young people.

Ilhan Omar

My kids have been around politics since they were little.

Ilhan Omar

No Minnesotan should ever experience preventable health risks from breathing polluted air or from drinking unsafe water.

Ilhan Omar

We must see others' struggles as our own, and their success as our success, so we can speak to our common humanity.

Ilhan Omar

Truly, this is a nation that sees itself as one that instills hope and is really about allowing people to pursue their dreams.

Ilhan Omar

I want to go to Washington to make sure we really have an opportunity to expand health care for folks so that is accessible to them.

Ilhan Omar