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Trending Christina Anstead Quotes

The day Tarek and I officially started dating, which was October 9, 2006, we moved in together.

Christina Anstead

Tarek and I have a common goal to create beautiful houses for families. We work hard but our priority is spending quality time with our wonderful kids and raising them to appreciate the love of family.

Christina Anstead

Changing up your home decor is a great way to get a fresh start, especially when going through something like a breakup or a divorce. Begin with replacing the pictures of your ex around the house with photos of your kids or memories with friends. You can even shop for beautiful new frames to make the process more fun and design friendly.

Christina Anstead

Changing up your home decor is a great way to get a fresh start, especially when going through something like a breakup or a divorce. Begin with replacing the pictures of your ex around the house with photos of your kids or memories with friends. You can even shop for beautiful new frames to make the process more fun and design friendly.

Christina Anstead

Honestly, Tarek and I met through work, so we worked together before we even started dating - it's our normal.

Christina Anstead