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Trending Daniel Bryan Quotes

My diet is very kale-heavy. It's so nutrient-dense. I stay away from fake processed stuff.

Daniel Bryan

If you want to grow a beard like mine, the only thing I can tell you is that you have to have patience. You just have to let it grow.

Daniel Bryan

The best parenting advice I actually got was from Shane McMahon. He was great with me when Brie was pregnant and all that. He said, 'When you have that baby, make sure you take care of Brie first.'

Daniel Bryan

I didn't really grow up playing video games. I had an original Nintendo after the original Nintendo was cool.

Daniel Bryan

My diet is very kale-heavy. It's so nutrient-dense. I stay away from fake processed stuff.

Daniel Bryan

I'm into environmental and ecological issues, so maybe that is an avenue to go down.

Daniel Bryan