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I was reading some books by Michel Houellebecq, and the first thing that comes to mind is that they're really funny, all the ways they describe the most depressing things.

Gaspar Noe

80-percent of 'Enter the Void' is a traditional narrative movie. I suppose it's more similar to 'Jacob's Ladder' or 'Videodrome' than it is to 'Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome' by Kenneth Anger, which is very experimental. It's the other 10% of 20% that reminds you of the language and glamour of dreams.

Gaspar Noe

I did this very cheap movie called 'Love,' and then I decided I wanted to make an even cheaper movie so people don't get involved and can't tell you how to rewrite it or how to avoid losing money. The good thing about doing these quite cheap movies is that you have much more freedom.

Gaspar Noe

I used to consume a lot of horror movies as a teenager, and some impressed me more than other ones. I would watch Romero's movies, Dario Argento's movies, 'Eraserhead' over and over. 'Possession,' 'Repulsion,' 'Freaks.'

Gaspar Noe

I think that in some ways 'Climax' is easier to digest than my other movies because the characters are easier to identify with. You love them because they're young, they're great dancers, they're beautiful, and they are willing to construct something. They're not losers like most of the characters of my previous movies.

Gaspar Noe

I did this very cheap movie called 'Love,' and then I decided I wanted to make an even cheaper movie so people don't get involved and can't tell you how to rewrite it or how to avoid losing money. The good thing about doing these quite cheap movies is that you have much more freedom.

Gaspar Noe

Documentaries can provoke much more than narrative movies.

Gaspar Noe