Famous Quotes

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There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

Colin Powell

Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.

Colin Powell

There's not going to be a World War III, because there is no one to have World War III with.

Colin Powell

My own experience is use the tools that are out there. Use the digital world. But never lose sight of the need to reach out and talk to other people who don't share your view. Listen to them and see if you can find a way to compromise.

Colin Powell

90 percent of my time is spent on 10 percent of the world.

Colin Powell

Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.

Colin Powell

High-quality early-childhood programs and health coverage have expanded, and the number of mentoring relationships for at-risk youth has risen dramatically. That progress is encouraging, but it's not evenly distributed.

Colin Powell

I think whether you're having setbacks or not, the role of a leader is to always display a winning attitude.

Colin Powell

It ain't as bad as you think. It will look better in the morning.

Colin Powell

Get mad, then get over it.

Colin Powell

Bad news isn't wine. It doesn't improve with age.

Colin Powell

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.

Colin Powell

We need to understand that we as citizens and as a government in any community throughout this country have no more important obligation than to educate those who are going to replace us.

Colin Powell

If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.

Colin Powell

Fit no stereotypes. Don't chase the latest management fads. The situation dictates which approach best accomplishes the team's mission.

Colin Powell

When you decide to get involved in a military operation in a place like Syria, you've got to be prepared, as we learned from Iraq and Afghanistan, to become the government, and I'm not sure any country, either the United States or I don't hear of anyone else, who's willing to take on that responsibility.

Colin Powell

We have practiced diplomacy since the very beginning of the nation. Sometimes it has not worked, and we've had to go to war. I always believe you should try to find peace and reconciliation before conflict. That has been the approach I've taken.

Colin Powell

You need to understand, if you take out a government, take out a regime, guess who becomes the government and regime and is responsible for the country? You are. So if you break it, you own it.

Colin Powell

It isn't enough just to scream at the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. We need our political system to start reflect this anger back into, 'How do we fix it? How do we get the economy going again?'

Colin Powell

It ain't as bad as you think. It will look better in the morning.

Colin Powell

Children need to get a high-quality education, avoid violence and the criminal-justice system, and gain jobs. But they deserve more. We want them to learn not only reading and math but fairness, caring, self-respect, family commitment, and civic duty.

Colin Powell

Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.

Colin Powell

You have to make sure you know why you are going to war and then use decisive force to end it as soon as possible.

Colin Powell

Diplomacy is listening to what the other guy needs. Preserving your own position, but listening to the other guy. You have to develop relationships with other people so when the tough times come, you can work together.

Colin Powell

Indeed, we're strongest when the face of America isn't only a soldier carrying a gun but also a diplomat negotiating peace, a Peace Corps volunteer bringing clean water to a village, or a relief worker stepping off a cargo plane as floodwaters rise.

Colin Powell