Famous Quotes

631 Trending Society Quotes

Most popular quotes in Society category.

Society is the union of men and not the men themselves.


A pure democracy is a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person.

James Madison

The internet could be a very positive step towards education, organisation and participation in a meaningful society.

Noam Chomsky

We are trying to construct a more inclusive society. We are going to make a country in which no one is left out.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

A great man is different from an eminent one in that he is ready to be the servant of the society.

B. R. Ambedkar

Solitude is as needful to the imagination as society is wholesome for the character.

James Russell Lowell

Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.

Frederick Douglass

No society has been able to abolish human sadness, no political system can deliver us from the pain of living, from our fear of death, our thirst for the absolute. It is the human condition that directs the social condition, not vice versa.

Eugene Ionesco

The world is governed more by appearance than realities so that it is fully as necessary to seem to know something as to know it.

Daniel Webster

One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal. Soon we'll need a new definition.

Alvin Toffler

Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards.

Robert Orben

The only part of the conduct of any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.

John Stuart Mill

The wise person often shuns society for fear of being bored.

Jean de la Bruyere

There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children.

Nelson Mandela

Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.

John F. Kennedy

Princes and governments are far more dangerous than other elements within society.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Civilization is unbearable, but it is less unbearable at the top.

Timothy Leary

Disturbances in society are never more fearful than when those who are stirring up the trouble can use the pretext of religion to mask their true designs.

Denis Diderot

We should be concerned not only about the health of individual patients, but also the health of our entire society.

Ben Carson

When a nation goes down, or a society perishes, one condition may always be found; they forgot where they came from. They lost sight of what had brought them along.

Carl Sandburg

The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy: neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water.

John W. Gardner

A great man is different from an eminent one in that he is ready to be the servant of the society.

B. R. Ambedkar

Our society strives to avoid any possibility of offending anyone - except God.

Billy Graham

The enemy of society is middle class and the enemy of life is middle age.

Orson Welles

Nine-tenths of the people were created so you would want to be with the other tenth.

Horace Walpole

He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god.


Our society must make it right and possible for old people not to fear the young or be deserted by them, for the test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members.

Pearl S. Buck

Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in and out of favor.

Robert Frost

There is no such thing as society: there are individual men and women, and there are families.

Margaret Thatcher

The first principle of a free society is an untrammeled flow of words in an open forum.

Adlai Stevenson I

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

Mahatma Gandhi

Capital is reckless of the health or length of life of the laborer, unless under compulsion from society.

Karl Marx

Girls are the future mothers of our society, and it is important that we focus on their well-being.

Miriam Makeba

Society is one vast conspiracy for carving one into the kind of statue likes, and then placing it in the most convenient niche it has.

Randolph Bourne

Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.

John Lennon

Death is always around the corner, but often our society gives it inordinate help.

Carter Burwell

You can't make up anything anymore. The world itself is a satire. All you're doing is recording it.

Art Buchwald

The function of the press in society is to inform, but its role in society is to make money.

A. J. Liebling

I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion.

Thomas Jefferson

A good person can make another person good; it means that goodness will elicit goodness in the society; other persons will also be good.

Bhumibol Adulyadej

As a remedy to life in society I would suggest the big city. Nowadays, it is the only desert within our means.

Albert Camus

The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

To act on the belief that we possess the knowledge and the power which enable us to shape the processes of society entirely to our liking, knowledge which in fact we do not possess, is likely to make us do much harm.

Friedrich August von Hayek

The man in our society is the breadwinner; the woman has enough to do as the homemaker, wife and mother.

Dorothy Fields

The Internet: transforming society and shaping the future through chat.

Dave Barry

An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

Robert A. Heinlein

The paradox of education is precisely this - that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated.

James Baldwin

In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.

Hunter S. Thompson

If one could only teach the English how to talk, and the Irish how to listen, society here would be quite civilized.

Oscar Wilde

I have for some time urged that a nuclear abolition summit to mark the effective end of the nuclear era be convened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the 70th anniversary of the bombings of those cities, with the participation of national leaders and representatives of global civil society.

Daisaku Ikeda

Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.

P. J. O'Rourke

When I read about the way in which library funds are being cut and cut, I can only think that American society has found one more way to destroy itself.

Isaac Asimov

The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose.

James Baldwin

No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.

Adam Smith

Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine; now, when science is strong and religion weak, men mistake medicine for magic.

Thomas Szasz

Our individual lives cannot, generally, be works of art unless the social order is also.

Charles Horton Cooley

No one would talk much in society if they knew how often they misunderstood others.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I think the first duty of society is justice.

Alexander Hamilton

I have a total irreverence for anything connected with society except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer.

Brendan Behan

A civilized society is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point of doubtful sanity.

Robert Frost

Today the world changes so quickly that in growing up we take leave not just of youth but of the world we were young in.

Peter Medawar

If those in charge of our society - politicians, corporate executives, and owners of press and television - can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power. They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves.

Howard Zinn

Society cannot share a common communication system so long as it is split into warring factions.

Bertolt Brecht

I think this society suffers so much from too much freedom, too many rights that allow people to be irresponsible.

Boyd Rice

In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not know or understand.

Neil Armstrong

Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals.

Oscar Wilde

We have to talk about liberating minds as well as liberating society.

Angela Davis

The most unpardonable sin in society is independence of thought.

Emma Goldman

I am now quite cured of seeking pleasure in society, be it country or town. A sensible man ought to find sufficient company in himself.

Emily Bronte

Part of your heritage in this society is the opportunity to become financially independent.

Jim Rohn

There is nothing more fearful for the average person in our society than to stand before a group of people and speak.

Charles R. Swindoll

It matters enormously to a successful democratic society like ours that we have three branches of government, each with some independence and some control over the other two. That's set out in the Constitution.

Sandra Day O'Connor

We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.

Ronald Reagan

The first sign of corruption in a society that is still alive is that the end justifies the means.

Georges Bernanos

If God would have wanted us to live in a permissive society He would have given us Ten Suggestions and not Ten Commandments.

Zig Ziglar

The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that men may become robots.

Erich Fromm

Society does not consist of individuals but expresses the sum of interrelations, the relations within which these individuals stand.

Karl Marx

All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.

Albert Einstein

What's done to children, they will do to society.

Karl A. Menninger

Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves. What is equally true is that every community gets the kind of law enforcement it insists on.

Robert Kennedy

To give aid to every poor man is far beyond the reach and power of every man. Care of the poor is incumbent on society as a whole.

Baruch Spinoza

I say what I want to say and do what I want to do. There's no in between. People will either love you for it or hate you for it.


Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both.

C. Wright Mills

It is a strange fact that freedom and equality, the two basic ideas of democracy, are to some extent contradictory. Logically considered, freedom and equality are mutually exclusive, just as society and the individual are mutually exclusive.

Thomas Mann

Economy is the basis of society. When the economy is stable, society develops. The ideal economy combines the spiritual and the material, and the best commodities to trade in are sincerity and love.

Morihei Ueshiba

Our society is not a community, but merely a collection of isolated family units.

Valerie Solanas

Society is always taken by surprise at any new example of common sense.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I should tie myself to no particular system of society other than of socialism.

Nelson Mandela

Society has always to demand a little more from human beings than it will get in practice.

George Orwell

There was a time when men thought it was sexy to have a housewife waiting for him to come home from work in her slippers, but in modern society, I think an independent woman is even more sexy.

Kat Graham

Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap.

Barbara Jordan

The most violent element in society is ignorance.

Emma Goldman

I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society.

Henry David Thoreau

Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness.

George Bernard Shaw

It is difficult to accept death in this society because it is unfamiliar. In spite of the fact that it happens all the time, we never see it.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best stage, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one.

Thomas Paine

Space exploration is a force of nature unto itself that no other force in society can rival.

Neil deGrasse Tyson

The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat.

Lily Tomlin

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.

Dwight D. Eisenhower