Famous Quotes

Trending William Shatner Quotes

When I did the film Generations, in which the character died, I felt like a guest for the first time. That made me very sad.

William Shatner

Success is different for everyone; everybody defines it in their own way, and that's part of what we do in 'Close Up', finding what it was each person wanted to achieve and what their willingness to sacrifice for that was.

William Shatner

My fear is dying badly, through illness or injury. But what a glorious demise it would be to burn up in space.

William Shatner

I love to go to a movie, get a Diet Coke and a barrel of popcorn, and sit there with my kids and watch a film.

William Shatner

My fear is dying badly, through illness or injury. But what a glorious demise it would be to burn up in space.

William Shatner

Over the years, I've become barraged by comments from people, such as, 'Beam me up, Scotty!' and I became defensive. I felt they were derisive and engendered an attitude. I am grateful for the success, but didn't want to be mocked.

William Shatner

I've been in that angst of loneliness, where you're really alone in the universe, except for the dog.

William Shatner

Sci-fi films are the epic films of the day because we can no longer put 10,000 extras in the scene - but we can draw thousands of aliens with computers.

William Shatner