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Trending Sam Elliott Quotes

Hugh Grant is the main man. He's the number one romantic comedy man in the world.

Sam Elliott

I've done films over the years that basically no one saw. And I'm thankful that some of them haven't been seen.

Sam Elliott

I think anytime you can affect people in general, in a positive way, then you're a lucky individual.

Sam Elliott

I'm not a hunter, but I've been around guns all my life. I'm a great shot.

Sam Elliott

The opportunity, number one, to work with Ang Lee is an amazing thing for me.

Sam Elliott

I'm a four star general in this thing, and you don't rise to the ranks of a four star general by hanging about the house being the perfect dad.

Sam Elliott

I just went to see too many movies and I sat in too many dark matinees watching those old serials.

Sam Elliott

My dad worked for the Fish and Wildlife Service, and he worked for the Department of Interior, you know, like the federal government. And consequently, I was outdoors a lot in my lifetime.

Sam Elliott

I really never had any thought about being a legitimate actor, like a stage performer. I wanted to make movies. I wanted to do television and make movies.

Sam Elliott

The opportunity, number one, to work with Ang Lee is an amazing thing for me.

Sam Elliott