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A calculator is a tool for humans to do math more quickly and accurately than they could ever do by hand; similarly, AI computers are tools for us to perform tasks too difficult or expensive for us to do on our own, such as analyzing large data sets or keeping up to date on medical research.

Oren Etzioni

A calculator is a tool for humans to do math more quickly and accurately than they could ever do by hand; similarly, AI computers are tools for us to perform tasks too difficult or expensive for us to do on our own, such as analyzing large data sets or keeping up to date on medical research.

Oren Etzioni

Taking new technology and incorporating into how people work and live is not easy.

Oren Etzioni

I became interested in AI in high school because I read 'Goedel, Escher, Bach,' a book by Douglas Hofstader. He showed how all their work in some ways fit together, and he talked about artificial intelligence. I thought 'Wow, this is what I want to be doing.'

Oren Etzioni

Infrastructure investment in science is an investment in jobs, in health, in economic growth and environmental solutions.

Oren Etzioni

What are we going to do as automation increases, as computers get more sophisticated? One thing that people say is we'll retrain people, right? We'll take coal miners and turn them into data miners. Of course, we do need to retrain people technically. We need to increase technical literacy, but that's not going to work for everybody.

Oren Etzioni