Famous Quotes

Trending Michael Fassbender Quotes

We feel a lot of pressure about looking silly or appearing weak, whatever that means, or being a failure. You have to keep in your head: what's the worst that can happen?

Michael Fassbender

There's no point in swanning through and being cool as a breeze in every scene. It's not really that interesting. Even if you're a superhero.

Michael Fassbender

When I was four, I just wanted to drive, I collected toy cars. Where does that sort of thing come from? In hindsight you go, 'Oh, liked it because of this.' Maybe it's just the wheel.

Michael Fassbender

When I was four, I just wanted to drive, I collected toy cars. Where does that sort of thing come from? In hindsight you go, 'Oh, liked it because of this.' Maybe it's just the wheel.

Michael Fassbender