Famous Quotes

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Mom cooked a lot of turkey when I was growing up. Turkey meatloaf, turkey burgers, ground turkey shepherd's pie - my childhood was the Bubba Gump of turkey. You'd think I would be sick of it, but when I find gems like Gwyneth Paltrow's turkey meatball recipe, it's as though the fowl is no longer foul to me.

Meghan Markle

On a normal day, I love a shift dress with flats and a little cropped jacket. That, for me, is my travel wear if it's not too chilly - you can throw a scarf over your legs if it's cold on the plane!

Meghan Markle

When I was 13 years old, my mom had me start getting facials in my hometown of Los Angeles.

Meghan Markle

I think so much of what we learn when we get older is being comfortable in our own skin and learning what looks good, and not being so trend-centric.

Meghan Markle

Food makes travel so exceptional, because you get to taste what it's actually supposed to taste like. To eat the real Pad Thai or finally have a proper curry is something pretty amazing.

Meghan Markle

I had always been the theater nerd at Northwestern University. I knew I wanted to do acting, but I hated the idea of being this cliche - a girl from L.A. who decides to be an actress. I wanted more than that, and I had always loved politics, so I ended up changing my major completely, and double-majoring in theater and international relations.

Meghan Markle

I'm the person friends come to when they want to find the perfect restaurant or boutique hotel on the outskirts of Paris. As opposed to scouring the Internet for a travel guide, wouldn't you rather ask the people who are really cool who go there? That's what I do.

Meghan Markle

I always want off-the-beaten-path, Anthony Bourdain-inspired travel.

Meghan Markle

Definitely working on 'Deal or No Deal' was a learning experience, and it helped me to understand what I would rather be doing.

Meghan Markle

I never thought I would become an actress. I always wanted to get into politics, and I moved to Argentina and worked for the U.S. embassy for a bit. It sort of happened upon me when I was home for the holiday - acting, that is - and I stuck with it.

Meghan Markle

The best job a man could have would be a chef. They'd understand the long hours I work and the drive and ambition it takes to succeed.

Meghan Markle

What's funny is I probably still have some calligraphy business cards floating out in the world, and I can't wait for someone to call me in a month or something, and say, 'Can you do these for my son's Bar Mitzvah?'

Meghan Markle

I think the biggest part of being a girl boss in the office, at home, or anywhere you go is just knowing your value.

Meghan Markle

At the end of the day, if the guy is going to write the girl a letter, whether it's chicken scratch or scribble or looks like a doctor's note, if he takes the time to put pen to paper and not type something, there's something so incredibly romantic and beautiful about that.

Meghan Markle

If we treated ourselves as well as we treated our best friend, can you imagine?

Meghan Markle

Catty is not cool. I can't think of anything less becoming than a man who talks about people behind their backs.

Meghan Markle

My dad's a lighting director. Growing up in Hollywood, I was around the entertainment industry all the time. I knew I'd end up in show business in some capacity, eventually.

Meghan Markle

My dad is Caucasian, and my mom is African American. I'm half black and half white. Being biracial paints a blurred line that is equal parts staggering and illuminating.

Meghan Markle

My mom is a yoga instructor: 100% black with dreadlocks.

Meghan Markle

There is a myth that those who do humanitarian work have a saviour mentality, but the relationship is reciprocal.

Meghan Markle

There is a myth that those who do humanitarian work have a saviour mentality, but the relationship is reciprocal.

Meghan Markle

Some women are able to wake up looking effortlessly chic - as though a bevy of fashion fairies twisted their low-lit locks into a messy chignon while they slept. They choose a frock from their exceptionally curated closet and leave a trail of custom fragrance and perfection in their wake.

Meghan Markle

I'm from L.A., so I'm used to seeing people in sunglasses and flip-flops. There's something so romantic about a man in a scarf and a knitted hat.

Meghan Markle

Barcelona is one of the best cities in the world. I love it there. I love Big Sur. It's stunning and you get a therapeutic experience there. The drive up the coast is one of the most beautiful I've ever done. Also, Hong Kong. I could easily live there!

Meghan Markle