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Trending Matthew Hussey Quotes

Halloween might be a time that's renowned for ghosts, but we no longer experience ghosts only on Halloween. In our dating lives, we are now used to being 'ghosted' the whole year round.

Matthew Hussey

Friendship language is, 'You look nice tonight.' Desire language is, 'You look hot tonight.'

Matthew Hussey

The truth is men like women who are challenging, and set them standards to live up too. Caveat: This doesn't mean he wants someone to neurotically pick at everything all the time.

Matthew Hussey

Firstly, there is no perfect man. Looking for that it worse than starting the race badly, it means you're in the wrong race. What women should be searching for is their ideal man - i.e. the one whose values, beliefs and outlook on life synergise with their own.

Matthew Hussey

I honestly believe there is nothing more important in a person's life than love and I want to show women how to have fun and get the best out of dating.

Matthew Hussey

Being in a relationship doesn't mean you're successful. You are successful if you are happy.

Matthew Hussey

How do you bust out of the friend zone? It's a horrible place to be when you end up there unintentionally with someone you have a romantic interest in.

Matthew Hussey

Women can be made to feel like that makes them seem 'too demanding,' but it's better than wasting time on someone who isn't planning any future with you.

Matthew Hussey

Women in their thirties are much more nervous about dating. They feel time is 'running out for them. They want to get married and have a family. The women I see in their forties and fifties know what they want. They are amazing, confident women with good jobs, but they are just struggling to find someone who is their equal.

Matthew Hussey

Once a date asked me what I do, so I said that my company empowers women in their dating lives. Her response? 'Aw, that's so cute!' Cute is how my babysitter described me when I was 7 years old. Simple fix: Replace cute with hot and he'll feel like James Bond.

Matthew Hussey

We've all grown wary of being lied to online - let's face it, dudes are always exaggerating their heights - so trust is a hot commodity.

Matthew Hussey

Think of your early dates as a chance to leave clues about your expectations with a little technique called pre-framing. Say: 'My friend gets annoyed because her boyfriend never opens the car door for her. It's a shame when guys don't do those little things.'

Matthew Hussey

Any online dating profile is about making us more human, more three-dimensional.

Matthew Hussey

I once told a date, 'I love what you're wearing!' She replied, 'Aw, thanks. I've gotten so many compliments on it. Yours means the most though!' She didn't need to tell me guys were hitting on her - my imagination went there anyway.

Matthew Hussey

The guy who wants to spend all his time with you may seem romantic, but he's also the guy who'll try to stop you from doing anything that doesn't involve him. If he presses you to ditch hobbies, passions, and friends, it's time to ditch him.

Matthew Hussey

We've all grown wary of being lied to online - let's face it, dudes are always exaggerating their heights - so trust is a hot commodity.

Matthew Hussey

One of the most overwhelming things about dating is imagining going on an entire dinner date for an evening with someone you don't even know you have chemistry with yet.

Matthew Hussey