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It was my father who instilled the 'never say no' attitude I carry around with me today, and who instilled in me a sense of wonder, always taking us on adventures in the car, never telling us the destination.

Marlee Matlin

What parent has it easy? I just never make the difficulty of it an obstacle. I just do it.

Marlee Matlin

There are many deaf people who couldn't imagine living in a marriage without someone who doesn't speak their language. For me, I believe that hearing or deaf is fine as long as both parties are willing to communicate in each other's language. But if there's no communication, then the marriage, I believe, will be difficult if not doomed.

Marlee Matlin

Everybody's got a job to do, and I do mine as best I can.

Marlee Matlin

How many deaf people do you know in real life? Unless they live in a cave, or are 14, which seems to be true for most people in this business, what could I possibly tell them that they don't already know?

Marlee Matlin

Humor comes in all forms, and everyone has their cup of tea about what makes them laugh. But the day we censor humor is a sad one for sure.

Marlee Matlin

At some point we have to stop and say, There's Marlee, not, There's the deaf actress.

Marlee Matlin

At some point we have to stop and say, There's Marlee, not, There's the deaf actress.

Marlee Matlin

I have made the choices that work best for me. I know I cannot please everyone, and that's fine.

Marlee Matlin

YouTube is akin to having my own network.

Marlee Matlin

My parents were the ones who gave me the independence, who gave me the spark to do anything that you set your mind to, as all parents should do for their kids.

Marlee Matlin

You can do anything if you set your mind to it. Look out for kids, help them dream and be inspired. We teach calculus in schools, but I believe the most important formula is courage plus dreams equals success.

Marlee Matlin

I want roles without anger and feistiness. I want to show weakness and sadness, some love, some happiness.

Marlee Matlin

I'm different, and my manner invites questions. I'm never afraid to answer.

Marlee Matlin

When I learned to sign and speak at the same time, the whole world opened up to me. That's the beauty of encouraging kids who are deaf to use whatever it takes to communicate.

Marlee Matlin

I'm not broke. Like everybody else, I owe money.

Marlee Matlin