Famous Quotes

Trending Marilyn Manson Quotes

For me, art is supposed to be a question mark.

Marilyn Manson

If Satan wasn't around, churches would go out of business.

Marilyn Manson

I can't satisfy myself with just trying to tie all of my imagination into music, especially when music is not appreciated as an art form as much as it used to be.

Marilyn Manson

The difference between me as Brian Warner or Marilyn Manson is just words. Same personality, sensibility, sense of humor, behavior. He is me.

Marilyn Manson

Watching movies is my one distraction.

Marilyn Manson

Man's greatest fear is chaos.

Marilyn Manson

My dad being a salesman taught me you can sell anybody anything if you've got the ability to believe.

Marilyn Manson

I think it's the pain and suffering that drive you to become an artist. The art itself should be the pain, sort of exorcising every demon and making you feel like you're a person that matters.

Marilyn Manson

I am drawn to women who are independent and creative, which is problematic because it's a struggle, a competition of careers. There's jealousy.

Marilyn Manson

I am drawn to women who are independent and creative, which is problematic because it's a struggle, a competition of careers. There's jealousy.

Marilyn Manson

Music is the strongest form of magic.

Marilyn Manson