Famous Quotes

Trending Kaley Cuoco Quotes

I firmly believe, only because I've been doing this for so long, every show takes three years. 90% of them don't get three years. It just does. It takes a long time to build a community, build a friendship with your characters. It's hard for people to grasp on and make them care about you.

Kaley Cuoco

I love classical. I have a lot of, like, Bach and Mozart and stuff. Then you flip on over, and I've got, like, Kanye West and, you know, just a bunch of - I am very eclectic. I love every sort of music.

Kaley Cuoco

I know a lot of the work that paved the way for women happened before I was around... I was never that feminist girl demanding equality, but maybe that's because I've never really faced inequality.

Kaley Cuoco

Not all of us are chameleons that can do every different thing. I hope I'm going to be typecast. I will play the girl next door for the rest of my life if I have to. I always kind of feel like I have that in my pocket when I go in a room.

Kaley Cuoco

I will always be the way I was a couple years ago before anything happened. And that's to my parents' credit, my amazing parents who have been around me my whole life and raised me right. I'm very happy with what has happened so far.

Kaley Cuoco

I love when guys are funny. I love guys that are funny and goofy and over the top. And you know, I really like personality. I do.

Kaley Cuoco

I've learned after so many years in this business that nothing is set in stone until you're on set. I've been told I was the choice for years and never got hired. So I never go there in my mind.

Kaley Cuoco

I don't have kids, but I know that you want them to follow their dreams, while at the same time, you don't want them to be sitting around, hoping that dream is just going to come. I'm sure that's hard to tell your kids.

Kaley Cuoco

I wasn't allowed to have sugar as a kid. We didn't have candy or soda or anything, so Easter and Halloween were my favorite times 'cause I could eat as much candy as I wanted.

Kaley Cuoco

When I started on 'Big Bang,' I was the only girl; I felt like I had four brothers. Then Melissa Rauch and Mayim Bialik came on the show, and we got really close. Because of that, I'm not so quick to judge other women, and now I have all these amazing new girlfriends.

Kaley Cuoco

I wasn't allowed to have sugar as a kid. We didn't have candy or soda or anything, so Easter and Halloween were my favorite times 'cause I could eat as much candy as I wanted.

Kaley Cuoco

My mom grew up with horses, and when I turned 14, 15, she's like, 'Do you want to take a riding lesson?' I thought, 'Oh, gross, dirty.' She was like, 'Okay.' And then I did, and now I'm the one cleaning those damn stalls out. You can't get me away from the barn now. It shocks even me.

Kaley Cuoco

Diet cola is my absolute favorite drink in the world; I used to drink four cans a day. But to help me cut down, I've turned it into a treat. Now, instead of having dessert, I'll have a can of diet soda. Putting a limit on how often I can drink it has helped me appreciate it more.

Kaley Cuoco

As I've gotten older, I've had to change my food intake.

Kaley Cuoco

I did a movie called 'Quicksand No Escape' with Donald Sutherland and Tim Matheson. I think I was maybe 5. I was really little. Yeah, it was fun. And actually, Felicity Huffman played my mom.

Kaley Cuoco

I like to be home on a Friday night. I don't go out. I don't go to clubs. It's not my thing. I sit at home with my glass of wine and watch hours of reality TV.

Kaley Cuoco

I really don't have a type. I never had a type. If I could put them all together, it's, like, the most different grouping. So I love when guys are funny. I love guys that are funny and goofy and over the top. And you know, I really like personality.

Kaley Cuoco

I like Penny. She's cool. Yeah, she dates some idiots, but, although, so have I. So yeah, I would be friends with her. We'd have a lot to talk about.

Kaley Cuoco

My whole family actually, but my parents. I had such a normal and amazing childhood. I've been so lucky. My parents are cool and normal. They don't talk about the business and I still have stuff to do at their house.

Kaley Cuoco

It's a fine line of doing what's good for your life and what your parents want you to do, but also following your dreams. With my parents, when I was younger, I always had to do two things. If I was acting, I always had to do a sport or something on the arts side of things along with that.

Kaley Cuoco

John was the smartest and most amazing comedian I've ever worked with. I think more than teaching me about acting or comedy, he taught me about life and the love of people and respect of people.

Kaley Cuoco