Famous Quotes

Trending Joe Biden Quotes

This is absolutely bizarre that we continue to subsidize highways beyond the gasoline tax, airlines, and we don't subsidize, we don't want to subsidize a national rail system that has environmental impact.

Joe Biden

I used to stutter really badly. Everybody thinks it's funny. And it's not funny. It's not.

Joe Biden

The Middle East is hopeful. There's hope there.

Joe Biden

I believe the American people have a genuine and justifiable fear of government intrusion in what they instinctively know is going to be an ever more intrusive world.

Joe Biden

There used to be an old bad joke. I hope it's not so much a good joke anymore. 'Everybody's from Scranton; no one's in Scranton.'

Joe Biden

Look, freedom is an overwhelming American notion. The idea that we want to see the world, the peoples of the world free is something that all of us subscribe to.

Joe Biden

Here at home, when Americans were standing in long lines to give blood after the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, we squandered an obvious opportunity to make service a noble cause again, and rekindle an American spirit of community.

Joe Biden

Now, people when I say that look at me and say, 'What are you talking about, Joe? You're telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?'. The answer is yes, that's what I'm telling you.

Joe Biden

Look folks, we know who built this country and we know who is going to rebuild it. It's you. Instead of vilifying you, we should be thanking you. We owe you.

Joe Biden

Our future cannot depend on the government alone. The ultimate solutions lie in the attitudes and the actions of the American people.

Joe Biden

My dad always said, 'Champ, the measure of a man is not how often he is knocked down, but how quickly he gets up.'

Joe Biden

Fighting corruption is not just good governance. It's self-defense. It's patriotism.

Joe Biden

You've got to reach a hand of friendship across the aisle and across philosophies in this country.

Joe Biden

When my first semester grades came out, my mom and dad told me I wouldn't be playing football.

Joe Biden

Our future cannot depend on the government alone. The ultimate solutions lie in the attitudes and the actions of the American people.

Joe Biden

No fundamental social change occurs merely because government acts. It's because civil society, the conscience of a country, begins to rise up and demand - demand - demand change.

Joe Biden

The 21st century is going to be the American century. Because we lead not only by the example of our power, but by the power of our example. That is the history of the journey of America.

Joe Biden

There is no inherent power in the office of the vice presidency. Zero. None. It's all a reflection of your relationship with the president. I mean, Kennedy never let Johnson in the office.

Joe Biden

I have 'Parents' magazine in my home.

Joe Biden

I graduated from the University of Delaware with a double major in history and political science.

Joe Biden

My recollection is - and I'd have to confirm this - but I don't recall paying any money to go to law school.

Joe Biden

We must rekindle the fire of idealism in our society.

Joe Biden

I have a really close relationship with Mike Bloomberg.

Joe Biden

Failure at some point in your life is inevitable, but giving up is unforgivable.

Joe Biden

The White House isn't the place to learn how to deal with international crisis, the balance of power, war and peace, and the economic future of the next generation.

Joe Biden

My father used to have an expression. He'd say, 'Joey, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It's about your dignity. It's about respect. It's about your place in your community.'

Joe Biden