Famous Quotes

Trending Janet Jackson Quotes

I am the baby in the family, and I always will be. I am actually very happy to have that position. But I still get teased. I don't mind that.

Janet Jackson

There is a moment when you get older when your metabolism slows down and you don't feel like working out any more, so you don't want to keep yourself fit any more, but that's your decision. Why should you be judged for it?

Janet Jackson

My parents are very competitive, so we are very competitive as kids. But it's a good kind of competition; it's not a jealousy. You always want to do your best, and if it can't be you, you want it to be your brother or your sister, you know what I mean?

Janet Jackson

In complete darkness we are all the same, it is only our knowledge and wisdom that separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you.

Janet Jackson

In complete darkness, it is only knowledge and wisdom that separates us.

Janet Jackson

Another side to me is this very sexual being. When I look back on my life, it's always been there. It's been there since I was 10 years old, having the imagination that I had.

Janet Jackson

Dreams can become a reality when we possess a vision that is characterized by the willingness to work hard, a desire for excellence, and a belief in our right and our responsiblity to be equal members of society.

Janet Jackson

Competition is great. And as long as it's friendly and not a malicious thing, then I think it's cool.

Janet Jackson

I had a pretty sexual imagination for a kid.

Janet Jackson

Competition is great. And as long as it's friendly and not a malicious thing, then I think it's cool.

Janet Jackson

People tend to put entertainers on pedestals. We're human beings, just like you. You may see us smiling, and whether we have money or not, we still have bills to pay, we still have our stresses. I think a lot of people want to focus on others' shortcomings to make themselves feel better. And it's a very sad thing.

Janet Jackson