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No matter what you think about the Iraq war, there is one thing we can all agree on for the next days - we have to salute the courage and bravery of those who are risking their lives to vote and those brave Iraqi and American soldiers fighting to protect their right to vote.

Hillary Clinton

I have not supported same-sex marriage. I have supported civil partnerships and contractual relationships.

Hillary Clinton

I believe that the rights of women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st century.

Hillary Clinton

One of the reasons this election is so important is because the Supreme Court hangs in the balance. We need to overturn that terrible Supreme Court decision, Citizens United, and then reform our whole campaign finance system.

Hillary Clinton

In too many instances, the march to globalization has also meant the marginalization of women and girls. And that must change.

Hillary Clinton

Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights.

Hillary Clinton

You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health. And reproductive health includes contraception and family planning and access to legal, safe abortion.

Hillary Clinton

In the aftermath of September 11, and as the 9/11 Commission report so aptly demonstrates, it is clear that our intelligence system is not working the way that it should.

Hillary Clinton

Twenty years ago, I wrote a book called 'It Takes a Village.' And a lot of people looked at the title and asked, 'What the heck do you mean by that?' This is what I mean. None of us can raise a family, build a business, heal a community or lift a country totally alone.

Hillary Clinton

I think we have to face the reality that in a society where there is a legitimate threat of terrorism, not being able to see one's face, not being able to have some sense of communication in that way, is for many societies a challenge.

Hillary Clinton

I helped to restore America's leadership.

Hillary Clinton

In the Bible it says they asked Jesus how many times you should forgive, and he said 70 times 7. Well, I want you all to know that I'm keeping a chart.

Hillary Clinton

I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas.

Hillary Clinton

In almost every profession - whether it's law or journalism, finance or medicine or academia or running a small business - people rely on confidential communications to do their jobs. We count on the space of trust that confidentiality provides. When someone breaches that trust, we are all worse off for it.

Hillary Clinton

If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle.

Hillary Clinton

If you're not comfortable with public speaking - and nobody starts out comfortable; you have to learn how to be comfortable - practice. I cannot overstate the importance of practicing. Get some close friends or family members to help evaluate you, or somebody at work that you trust.

Hillary Clinton

I learned some valuable lessons about the legislative process, the importance of bipartisan cooperation and the wisdom of taking small steps to get a big job done.

Hillary Clinton

In almost every profession - whether it's law or journalism, finance or medicine or academia or running a small business - people rely on confidential communications to do their jobs. We count on the space of trust that confidentiality provides. When someone breaches that trust, we are all worse off for it.

Hillary Clinton

There is a sense that things, if you keep positive and optimistic about what can be done, do work out.

Hillary Clinton

It is often when night looks darkest, it is often before the fever breaks that one senses the gathering momentum for change, when one feels that resurrection of hope in the midst of despair and apathy.

Hillary Clinton

In every country today, there is politics. It may be authoritarian politics, but there is politics.

Hillary Clinton

It became clear to me that simply caring is not enough. To drive real progress, you have to change both hearts and laws. You need both understanding and action.

Hillary Clinton

I want to teach. I want to speak. I want to travel.

Hillary Clinton

We don't have enough support for maternal leave and the kinds of things that some of the European countries do. So we still make it hard on women to go into the work force and feel that they can be good at work but then doing the most important job, which is raising your children in a responsible and positive way.

Hillary Clinton

America is stronger because of President Obama's leadership, and I'm better because of his friendship.

Hillary Clinton

If you can't compete fairly, honestly, effectively, no government should intervene. Now, some governments do. They prop up failing industries.

Hillary Clinton

Freedom means the right of people to assemble, organize, and debate openly.

Hillary Clinton

It's impossible to know what happens in the fog of war.

Hillary Clinton

I'm undaunted in my quest to amuse myself by constantly changing my hair.

Hillary Clinton

Every marriage is a mystery to me, even the one I'm in. So I'm no expert on it.

Hillary Clinton