Famous Quotes

Trending Gus Kenworthy Quotes

It shows more courage to leave the house as a trans person than Trump has ever had to show.

Gus Kenworthy

Dating in the closet is torture. It's one of the most difficult things, especially if you are completely closeted.

Gus Kenworthy

I've always been someone who's had to compartmentalize my life because I was in the closet, and I was in fear of outing myself. I always had so much going on in my mind and couldn't share it with anyone, so I actually feel like, now that I'm out, I have less to compartmentalize.

Gus Kenworthy

My family's dog, when I was growing up, was an adopted dog that I got in a shelter for my birthday. I've always felt really strongly about adopting animals and trying to save animals' lives.

Gus Kenworthy

When we have people elected into office that believe in conversion therapy and are trying to strip trans rights in the military and do these things that are directly attacking the LGBT community, I have no patience.

Gus Kenworthy

Dating in the closet is torture. It's one of the most difficult things, especially if you are completely closeted.

Gus Kenworthy