Famous Quotes

Trending Donald Norman Quotes

We expert teachers know that motivation and emotional impact are what matter.

Donald Norman

Readers always seem to think that the author has some control over the design of their books.

Donald Norman

And to get real work experience, you need a job, and most jobs will require you to have had either real work experience or a graduate degree.

Donald Norman

In my opinion, no single design is apt to be optimal for everyone.

Donald Norman

Everyday people are not very good designers.

Donald Norman

It is relatively easy to design for the perfect cases, when everything goes right, or when all the information required is available in proper format.

Donald Norman

Everyday people are not very good designers.

Donald Norman

So what does a good teacher do? Create tension - but just the right amount.

Donald Norman

I prefer design by experts - by people who know what they are doing.

Donald Norman