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Trending Constance Baker Motley Quotes

In high school, I discovered myself. I was interested in race relations and the legal profession. I read about Lincoln and that he believed the law to be the most difficult of professions.

Constance Baker Motley

The legal difference between the sit-ins and the Freedom Riders was significant.

Constance Baker Motley

I grew up in a house where nobody had to tell me to go to school every day and do my homework.

Constance Baker Motley

King consciously steered away from legal claims and instead relied on civil disobedience.

Constance Baker Motley

I got the chance to argue my first case in Supreme Court, a criminal case arising in Alabama that involved the right of a defendant to counsel at a critical stage in a capital case before a trial.

Constance Baker Motley

I grew up in a house where nobody had to tell me to go to school every day and do my homework.

Constance Baker Motley