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Trending Charles B. Rangel Quotes

As a Korean War Veteran, I know too well the troubling nature of war. This is why I will always support a diplomatic answer before military intervention.

Charles B. Rangel

We must urge a national dialogue on better methods of curbing preventable gun violence, and address the need for mental health awareness and access to psychiatric services in this country.

Charles B. Rangel

Honoring the sacrifices many have made for our country in the name of freedom and democracy is the very foundation of Veterans Day.

Charles B. Rangel

A quality education grants us the ability to fight the war on ignorance and poverty.

Charles B. Rangel

Honoring the sacrifices many have made for our country in the name of freedom and democracy is the very foundation of Veterans Day.

Charles B. Rangel

Encouragement of higher education for our youth is critical to the success of our collective future.

Charles B. Rangel

Dr. King's famous 'I Have a Dream' speech was delivered at 'The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom,' a call to justice beyond the traditional civil rights movement's focus.

Charles B. Rangel