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The culture of a workplace - an organization's values, norms and practices - has a huge impact on our happiness and success.

Adam Grant

Bragging about yourself violates norms of modesty and politeness - and if you were really competent, your work would speak for itself.

Adam Grant

When medical students focus on helping others, they're able to weather the slings and arrows of long hours and devastating health outcomes: they know their colleagues and patients are depending on them.

Adam Grant

From a relationship perspective, givers build deeper and broader connections.

Adam Grant

Bragging about yourself violates norms of modesty and politeness - and if you were really competent, your work would speak for itself.

Adam Grant

Originals are nonconformists, people who not only have new ideas but take action to champion them. They are people who stand out and speak up. Originals drive creativity and change in the world. They're the people you want to bet on.

Adam Grant

Some of the greatest moments in human history were fueled by emotional intelligence.

Adam Grant

I have two rules for a great book: make me think and make me smile.

Adam Grant