Famous Quotes

55 Trending Life & Living Quotes

Most popular quotes in Life & Living category.

All living beings, not just animals, but plants and microorganisms, perceive. To survive, an organic being must perceive - it must seek, or at least recognize, food and avoid environmental danger.

Lynn Margulis

Life is a progress, and not a station.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

So long as a person is capable of self-renewal they are a living being.

Henri-Frédéric Amiel

Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.

Tony Robbins

Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Our bodies are shaped to bear children, and our lives are a working out of the processes of creation. All our ambitions and intelligence are beside that great elemental point.

Phyllis McGinley

Life is a zoo in a jungle.

Peter De Vries

The main facts in human life are five: birth, food, sleep, love and death.

E. M. Forster

Use plants to bring life.

Douglas Wilson

Living is risking.

Jeanne Moreau

Life is a painting, and you are the artist. You have on your palette all the colors in the spectrum - the same ones available to Michaelangelo and DaVinci.

Paul J. Meyer

We will create life from inanimate compounds, and we will find life in space. But the life that should more immediately interest us lies between these extremes, in the middle range we all inhabit between our genes and our stars.

Nicholas A. Christakis

Death is inevitable, but Life - that's the tricky bit where things happen.

Simon Travaglia

Life ought to be a struggle of desire toward adventures whose nobility will fertilize the soul.

Rebecca West

Life is a culmination of the past, an awareness of the present, an indication of a future beyond knowledge, the quality that gives a touch of divinity to matter.

Charles Lindbergh

Life is a battle between faith and reason in which each feeds upon the other, drawing sustenance from it and destroying it.

Reinhold Niebuhr

Life is the flower for which love is the honey.

Victor Hugo

So long as a person is capable of self-renewal they are a living being.

Henri-Frédéric Amiel

Life is the art of being well deceived; and in order that the deception may succeed it must be habitual and uninterrupted.

William Hazlitt

Life consists in what a man is thinking of all day.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Love is the ultimate expression of the will to live.

Tom Wolfe

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.

John W. Gardner

Those who profess the faith of Life regard the ideals of mankind as an expression of man's higher needs. Ideals which were once incentives to development thus become a drag upon it whenever life's needs demand new forms that are not recognised by the prevailing idealism.

Ellen Key

The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.

Carl Rogers

Life is an exciting business, and most exciting when it is lived for others.

Helen Keller

There is no such thing as death. In nature nothing dies. From each sad remnant of decay, some forms of life arise so shall his life be taken away before he knoweth that he hath it.

Charles Mackay

Life comes from physical survival; but the good life comes from what we care about.

Rollo May

When we understand the connection between how we live and how long we live, it's easier to make different choices. Instead of viewing the time we spend with friends and family as luxuries, we can see that these relationships are among the most powerful determinants of our well-being and survival.

Dean Ornish

Life is a moving, breathing thing. We have to be willing to constantly evolve. Perfection is constant transformation.

Nia Peeples

Change is not merely necessary to life - it is life.

Alvin Toffler

Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.

Ashley Smith

The single overriding objective in wellness is creating constant personal renewal where we recognize and act on the truth that each day is a miraculous gift, and our job is to untie the ribbons. That's the Law of Esprit: living life with joy.

Greg Anderson

Life is a work in progress.

Jeff Rich

Life is a lively process of becoming.

Douglas MacArthur

Healthy people live with their world.

Anne Wilson Schaef

Life and death matters, yes. And the question of how to behave in this world, how to go in the face of everything. Time is short and the water is rising.

Raymond Carver

Let us beware of saying that death is the opposite of life. The living being is only a species of the dead, and a very rare species.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Life is about growth and exploration, not achieving a fixed state of balance. You have a very limited time on earth to experience all that you can. Figuring out how to squeeze the most out of your family, work, and spirituality is your life's purpose. Go do it.

Mel Robbins

Life science is an investment for the future.

Tasuku Honjo

Traditionally, life has been divided into two main parts: a period of learning followed by a period of working. Very soon, this traditional model will become utterly obsolete, and the only way for humans to stay in the game will be to keep learning throughout their lives and to reinvent themselves repeatedly.

Yuval Noah Harari

To me, if life boils down to one thing, it's movement. To live is to keep moving.

Jerry Seinfeld

Life comes from the earth and life returns to the earth.


Art and life are inseparable.

Eva Hesse

Life is either a great adventure or nothing.

Helen Keller

The laws of nature are structured so that we grow and change, and get to experience the full spectrum of biological existence.

Robert Lanza

Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.

Anais Nin

Life excites me-just little, normal, everyday things. Getting out of bed. Getting dressed. Making food. I find it all exciting.

Liv Tyler

Human life moves only in one direction - toward disease, damage, and death. The best you can hope for is to remain stagnant or, in certain cases, return to a previous condition when things weren't as bad as they've become for you.

Thomas Ligotti

Death is Inevitable. Living a life we can be proud of is something we can control.

Claire Wineland

The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.


For one who reads, there is no limit to the number of lives that may be lived, for fiction, biography, and history offer an inexhaustible number of lives in many parts of the world, in all periods of time.

Louis L'Amour

Life is abundant, and life is beautiful. And it's a good place that we're all in, you know, on this earth, if we take care of it.

Alice Walker

You got one life to live. So I'm living it the way I want to live it.


Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

Lao Tzu

To survive and even thrive in a changing world, nature offers another great lesson: the survivors are those who at the least adapt to change, or even better learn to benefit from change and grow intellectually and personally. That means careful listening and constant learning.

Frances Arnold

Life is not always easy to live, but the opportunity to do so is a blessing beyond comprehension. In the process of living, we will face struggles, many of which will cause us to suffer and to experience pain.

L. Lionel Kendrick