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Architecture is particularly difficult for women; there's no reason for it to be. I don't want to blame men or society, but I think it was for a long time, the clients were men, the building industry is all male.

Zaha Hadid

As a woman, I'm expected to want everything to be nice and to be nice myself. A very English thing. I don't design nice buildings - I don't like them. I like architecture to have some raw, vital, earthy quality.

Zaha Hadid

I really love Miami, but I don't think the architecture matches the city. It's a bit too commercial.

Zaha Hadid

I don't think that architecture is only about shelter, is only about a very simple enclosure. It should be able to excite you, to calm you, to make you think.

Zaha Hadid

Architecture is unnecessarily difficult. It's very tough.

Zaha Hadid

Half of architecture students are women, and you see respected, established female architects all the time.

Zaha Hadid

Good education is so important. We do need to look at the way people are taught. It not just about qualifications to get a job. It's about being educated.

Zaha Hadid

I don't think that architecture is only about shelter, is only about a very simple enclosure. It should be able to excite you, to calm you, to make you think.

Zaha Hadid

It's very important that historic cities are allowed to reinvent their future.

Zaha Hadid

Architecture is how the person places herself in the space. Fashion is about how you place the object on the person.

Zaha Hadid

I am equally proud of all of my architectural projects. It's always rewarding to see an ambitious design become reality.

Zaha Hadid

I've always thought that design can have equal importance to the idea of internal architecture. Professionally, things can be very dogmatic - you do the architecture, someone else does the interiors, someone else does the furniture, the fabric, etc. But I think design is all-encompassing.

Zaha Hadid

Of course I believe imaginative architecture can make a difference to people's lives, but I wish it was possible to divert some of the effort we put into ambitious museums and galleries into the basic architectural building blocks of society.

Zaha Hadid

Education, housing and hospitals are the most important things for society.

Zaha Hadid

If I wanted to do clothes or if I wanted to make a building or design a choreography, you are able to do that - they are all under a similar kind of design umbrella.

Zaha Hadid