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Trending Seth MacFarlane Quotes

There have to be people who are vocal about the advancement of knowledge over faith.

Seth MacFarlane

There have to be people who are vocal about the advancement of knowledge over faith.

Seth MacFarlane

Denzel Washington has a great sense of humor. He did all those 'Nutty Professor' movies.

Seth MacFarlane

Everybody in my family had a real sick, twisted sense of humor. Most of the jokes we make in our house, we would just never even dream of making anywhere else. Just sick, horrible stuff. That wasn't anything new to college.

Seth MacFarlane

Some of those more out-there jokes were written in the wee hours of the morning. Somehow, they remained funny the next day.

Seth MacFarlane

I was a huge 'Star Trek' fan. I loved the 'Twilight Zone' growing up. In the future, I hope to create some thoughtful, sci-fi drama.

Seth MacFarlane