Famous Quotes

Trending Sandi Toksvig Quotes

I think communication should be fun and that we should all worry less about how we say things and more about what we say.

Sandi Toksvig

I had tried every diet out there - I would lose weight for a bit, then put it back on again.

Sandi Toksvig

My earliest memory is my parents forgetting my fourth birthday. My dad looked up from reading the paper and went, 'Oh my God!' So we went out, and I chose a red scooter.

Sandi Toksvig

One of my life's watchwords is 'hyggelig.' It's an untranslatable Danish term for getting together with friends and family and sitting around in a cosy atmosphere with nice food and wine and candles.

Sandi Toksvig

I had tried every diet out there - I would lose weight for a bit, then put it back on again.

Sandi Toksvig

Food is an international language, an expression of love.

Sandi Toksvig

I haven't got the patience for small talk, although I once saw a woman standing on her own in the corner, and I realised it was Monica Lewinsky, and I had the nicest evening with her - she was charming.

Sandi Toksvig

My dad died of a massive heart attack when he was 59, as he didn't look after himself.

Sandi Toksvig

My life won't have full quality until we achieve equality for all.

Sandi Toksvig

The fact is, there is not now, nor has there ever been in the whole of history, a single country in the world where women have equality with men.

Sandi Toksvig