Famous Quotes

Trending Ruth Westheimer Quotes

I hear you younger people saying how many friends they have on the Internet. That's nonsense. That's not friends, that's acquaintances. The word 'friendship' has lost its significance.

Ruth Westheimer

Travel has always been one of the best ways to make new memories and reconnect with your loved ones.

Ruth Westheimer

I don't have scientifically validated data, but once two people have found each other and found interest in each other, my hypothesis would be that the relationship has a good chance of being successful.

Ruth Westheimer

A friendship has to be cultivated. A friendship you have to give time.

Ruth Westheimer

At first I was against Internet dating because there are some inherent risks, but I've seen so many happy couples who've met on the Internet that I've changed my mind.

Ruth Westheimer

I read the horoscope, and when I like it I smile and when I don't like it, I say, 'Dr. Ruth Westheimer, what's the matter with you?'

Ruth Westheimer

Travel has always been one of the best ways to make new memories and reconnect with your loved ones.

Ruth Westheimer