Famous Quotes

Trending Rob Halford Quotes

The thing about rock & roll, and the black leather biker jacket - it automatically creates an idea about what that person might be about, about their musical taste or their attitude.

Rob Halford

Oh God, don't let me go on Amazon Prime at one in the morning 'cause I always buy something I don't need.

Rob Halford

I pray quite a bit, actually. And even if you don't believe in prayer, just have a go. Pray for a good day, or just pray for your friend, or whatever it might be. And it's amazing, man, 'cause it absolutely works. I guarantee, it genuinely does work.

Rob Halford

The battle goes on for me; as a gay man, I shall not be happy until I see equality across the board.

Rob Halford

It's a very empowering kind of music, heavy metal is.

Rob Halford

It's a very empowering kind of music, heavy metal is.

Rob Halford