Famous Quotes

Trending Richard Lewis Quotes

My humor is channeling everything through my brain. For example, when I talk about something, it's how Richard Lewis feels about it. I'm a storyteller. I do a lot of free association.

Richard Lewis

I love being famous. It validates that I have something to say.

Richard Lewis

If you want to devote yourself to the arts, you'd better do it strictly from passion, because there is zero guarantee that you'll get anywhere. The hardest thing is dealing with business people who have nothing to do with your art. They could care less that you're up at 4:30 in the morning writing a joke. Don't expect any sympathy from anybody.

Richard Lewis

I never wanted to do observational humor because I never wanted to tell people what they were seeing.

Richard Lewis

My humor is channeling everything through my brain. For example, when I talk about something, it's how Richard Lewis feels about it. I'm a storyteller. I do a lot of free association.

Richard Lewis

When you're in love it's the most glorious two and a half days of your life.

Richard Lewis