Famous Quotes

Trending Parker Posey Quotes

Sometimes I go to movies, and it's just a bombardment, and I'm not entertained by them - I'm assaulted by them! And I know I sound like such a drama queen, but I find that really strange.

Parker Posey

My grandmother is this amazingly theatrical woman. She acted like a movie star, as far as looks and attitude, kind of like Susan Hayward.

Parker Posey

People see images now more than they see movies.

Parker Posey

How can we have our privacy? How can we have our independence now in these times with these cameras? Because I think privacy and our solitude is really important.

Parker Posey

People see images now more than they see movies.

Parker Posey

It's always the girl comedy and the guy comedy. It bums me out. You'd think there'd be a progression, from James L. Brooks and Nora Ephron into more subtle humor and behavior and psychology. All these interesting things people can learn about themselves by watching talented writers comment intelligently on someone else's emotional life.

Parker Posey