Famous Quotes

Trending Noel Edmonds Quotes

I believe doctors and scientists who say that disruption of our immune system by negative energy makes you prone to diseases of which cancer is one. That is a medical fact.

Noel Edmonds

I believe doctors and scientists who say that disruption of our immune system by negative energy makes you prone to diseases of which cancer is one. That is a medical fact.

Noel Edmonds

Belief and trust in the power of the Cosmos gives even the most chaotic life a new sense of order and purpose.

Noel Edmonds

I'm very straightforward on immigration. The bus is full. We haven't got enough energy, we haven't got enough electricity, we haven't got enough of a health service.

Noel Edmonds

I've driven a Formula One car, flown a helicopter, flown with the Red Arrows, met kings and queens, been to the White House.

Noel Edmonds