Famous Quotes

Trending Michael Caine Quotes

Save your money. You're going to need twice as much money in your old age as you think.

Michael Caine

For all my education, accomplishments, and so called 'wisdom'... I can't fathom my own heart.

Michael Caine

I felt a tremendous sadness for men who can't deal with a woman of their own age.

Michael Caine

My wife, my daughters, even my grandchildren are funny. You've got to keep a sense of humor because anger destroys you.

Michael Caine

The difference between a movie star and a movie actor is this - a movie star will say, 'How can I change the script to suit me?' and a movie actor will say. 'How can I change me to suit the script?'

Michael Caine

I felt a tremendous sadness for men who can't deal with a woman of their own age.

Michael Caine

Every time you get a movie, you get a medical. So you know, you know you're alright for a couple of weeks.

Michael Caine