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There aren't many things that are universally cool, and it's cool not to litter. I'd never do it.

Matthew McConaughey

Any artist, the work you do, if it's a painting or if it's a performance, you hope it translates to a common denominator with the people that they see something in their own life in there. Or they see something in somebody else's life. That's what's fun about sharing art.

Matthew McConaughey

For me, one of the toughest things about Valentine's Day is that it gets geared up as the day to profess your love. See, T-E-S-T - that's a bad word that doesn't go with L-O-V-E.

Matthew McConaughey

I'm a football fan, a sports fan, a fan of competition.

Matthew McConaughey

There's a gap between what I want to do, what I do on camera, and what gets edited. Right? So the goal is to try and close the gaps. What's the biggest compliment is if I read a review and it's exactly what I wrote down in my diary before ever filming it. That's really cool. That's the biggest signifier of closing the gaps.

Matthew McConaughey

I've been in a couple of weddings where the coolest people that were the most day before so mellow and then the day of the wedding freaking out.

Matthew McConaughey

See, 'A Time to Kill' was the one I got famous off of. Big ka-boom, over one weekend. After that, I did films that I really wanted to do.

Matthew McConaughey

For me, one of the toughest things about Valentine's Day is that it gets geared up as the day to profess your love. See, T-E-S-T - that's a bad word that doesn't go with L-O-V-E.

Matthew McConaughey

There's two sorts of fear: one you embrace and one you should listen to and turn the other way.

Matthew McConaughey

I've got a great sense of humor, and if I'm able to say or do something in a movie that people feel like they want to repeat, that's hugely flattering.

Matthew McConaughey

We dissect failure a lot more than we dissect success.

Matthew McConaughey

A coach, especially at a college level - much more at a college or high school level, than at a pro level - you're more of a teacher than an actual coach.

Matthew McConaughey

I don't dislike any of my exes. If I took time to form a relationship, it's gonna hurt when we move on, but are you puttin' White-Out over all that beautiful time together? That was real time in your life. It's connected to where you are today.

Matthew McConaughey

I've never been a jealous person, and I've never felt built up by someone else's failure - that's a cheap thrill.

Matthew McConaughey

I'm a golfer, and what are the two sports you can do till you drop? Golf and surfing. They're great for you limber-wise, they're great for you health-wise, and they put you in sweet locations.

Matthew McConaughey

The best advice comes from people who don't give advice.

Matthew McConaughey