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Some emotions are essential to law and to public principles of justice: anger at wrongdoing, fear for our safety, compassion for the pain of others, all these are good reasons to make laws that protect people in their rights.

Martha Nussbaum

Disgust is often more deeply buried than envy and anger, but it compounds and intensifies the other negative emotions.

Martha Nussbaum

Martin Luther King and Gandhi were not people who failed in self-respect. They were people of hope and great courage, and their courage was disciplined.

Martha Nussbaum

Martin Luther King and Gandhi were not people who failed in self-respect. They were people of hope and great courage, and their courage was disciplined.

Martha Nussbaum

Knowledge is not a guarantee of good political behavior, but ignorance is a virtual guarantee of bad behavior.

Martha Nussbaum

Fear and monarchy pair nicely. But democracy means you have to work with people you may not like but you must still believe are your equals. And a fearful people never trust the other side.

Martha Nussbaum

The U.S. has always understood itself to be united around political principles and not around culture, whereas the nations of Europe have a much more traditional conception of nationhood that is connected to romanticism, which thinks of religion and culture as ingredients of nationhood.

Martha Nussbaum

I love fashion, and I simply enjoy good design in clothes and regard that as one of my hobbies.

Martha Nussbaum

Every time I undress in the locker room of my gym, I see women bearing the scars of liposuction, tummy tucks, breast implants.

Martha Nussbaum

Envy, propelled by fear, can be even more toxic than anger, because it involves the thought that other people enjoy the good things of life which the envier can't hope to attain through hard work and emulation.

Martha Nussbaum

I think ageing is challenging, surprising, fun, and full of friendship, so that is the approach I'll take, objecting to the stigmatization of ageing in so many modern societies.

Martha Nussbaum

Teaching has always been a very important part of my life. It is one of the ways I contribute to society. It is also a source of energy and insight.

Martha Nussbaum

It's a form of human love to accept our complicated, messy humanity and not run away from it.

Martha Nussbaum

I'm very upset that the Supreme Court ruled that citizens don't have standing to challenge the faith based initiatives on constitutional grounds.

Martha Nussbaum

You have to address anger, fear, and then to think about what the alternatives are: hope, faith, a certain kind of brotherly love. And then you have to set yourself to cultivate those.

Martha Nussbaum

Courses in the humanities, in particular, often seem impractical, but they are vital, because they stretch your imagination and challenge your mind to become more responsive, more critical, bigger.

Martha Nussbaum