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Producing suits me because I have a business mind and a business sensibility. I was a street hustler. I did whatever it took. I sold whatever I could sell. I'm a good organiser.

Mark Wahlberg

Tiger Woods is the only sports star who's worth every penny he makes.

Mark Wahlberg

Well every moment, every project is different. I took a very slow approach to acting, trying to really work with people I could learn from. And I got something different out of each experience.

Mark Wahlberg

All that running around in my underwear put money in my pockets. I can focus on working in interesting movies without having to worry about supporting myself.

Mark Wahlberg

I've always wanted to be in the health and wellness business. I try to encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle.

Mark Wahlberg

There's nothing like seeing the smile on my kids' faces. Laughing together. Playing. It's the best.

Mark Wahlberg

I don't want to let my guard down and feel too comfortable. If you become complacent, you start feeling entitled. I'm ready to go dig ditches if I have to. Whatever I gotta do to provide for my family. Whatever I gotta do to make sure that I do the best possible job at whatever wonderful opportunities I've been handed.

Mark Wahlberg

I work as hard as anybody will ever work and I like that. That's why I've been successful and that is when I feel good about myself. If I do my damnedest and don't succeed, I feel good about the effort.

Mark Wahlberg

I have a lot of real life experience that I can draw on. And I think that shows in the characters that I play because I'm always trying to find somebody - or find characters to play that I can identify with on a personal level or relate to. And I think it makes for a little bit more of an honest portrayal.

Mark Wahlberg

For me, family always comes first; I would do anything to protect them.

Mark Wahlberg

And I tell you, having girls has made me a much better man. I have friends who are fathers, but they only have boys, and they have the same attitude toward women they always had, you know? And I don't play that... My girls, you mess with them? I will bury you underground.

Mark Wahlberg

He's a legend and I respect his work, so I went down and paid my respects when Charlton was on the set. He was nice but I think he lied a little. He said it was an honour to be in a movie with me, but I don't believe it.

Mark Wahlberg

Women don't get the credit they deserve.

Mark Wahlberg

The first thing I do when I start my day is, I get down on my hands and knees and give thanks to God. Whenever I go outside of my house, the first thing I do is stop at the church.

Mark Wahlberg

Having two daughters changed my perspective on a lot of things, and I definitely have a newfound respect for women. And I think I finally became a good and real man when I had a daughter.

Mark Wahlberg

You know, there's nothing like seeing the smile on my kids' faces. Laughing together. Playing. It's the best.

Mark Wahlberg

I pray to be a good servant to God, a father, a husband, a son, a friend, a brother, an uncle, a good neighbor, a good leader to those who look up to me, a good follower to those who are serving God and doing the right thing.

Mark Wahlberg

I don't wanna hear nobody complain that they're getting paid all this money and people won't leave them alone. It's part of it.

Mark Wahlberg

I pray to be a good servant to God, a father, a husband, a son, a friend, a brother, an uncle, a good neighbor, a good leader to those who look up to me, a good follower to those who are serving God and doing the right thing.

Mark Wahlberg

James Cagney, Steve McQueen, I loved all those guys. I grew up loving the movies but had no desire to be in them.

Mark Wahlberg

I never got on the course with my dad, but to be playing golf with my kids - that's a dream.

Mark Wahlberg

It's funny, because when you're younger you're in a rush to be 18 or 21 or whatever. But then you hit 30. And now, the days go by like hours. You think, 40, man, this could be the halfway point. It could be the three-quarters point, you know? Who knows?

Mark Wahlberg