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Trending Kevin Systrom Quotes

I grew up as a photo nut. Every Christmas I would get a new camera. It's a huge part of my life.

Kevin Systrom

Just so everyone knows, we're not a photo-sharing company. I don't see photos on 'Instagram' as art. They're much more about communication.

Kevin Systrom

People interact with their phones very differently than they do with their PCs, and I think that when you design from the ground up with mobile in mind, you create a very different product than going the other way.

Kevin Systrom

The best companies in the world have all had predecessors. 'YouTube' was a dating site. You always have to evolve into something else.

Kevin Systrom

People interact with their phones very differently than they do with their PCs, and I think that when you design from the ground up with mobile in mind, you create a very different product than going the other way.

Kevin Systrom

'Instagram' is a media company. I think we're about visual media. I explain ourselves as a disruptive entertainment platform that enables communication through visual media. I don't think it's just photos.

Kevin Systrom