Famous Quotes

Trending Kenneth C. Griffin Quotes

If you look at Citadel today, that's really - the founding principle of the firm is a real pursuit of talent, a pursuit of people who have a passion for finance, and a pursuit of individuals who make good decisions day in and day out.

Kenneth C. Griffin

Business is business. I don't manufacture cars, but we do manufacture money.

Kenneth C. Griffin

As Americans, I think we really believe that with the meritocracy that exists in our country, the equality of opportunity is so important to the foundation of our culture and our society.

Kenneth C. Griffin

We don't have a good legal justification for breaking up the banking system.

Kenneth C. Griffin

When a company creates a product that directly or indirectly adversely impacts the health of people, that product must be regulated. The process by which it's created must be regulated. No company has the right to injure people. No company.

Kenneth C. Griffin

We don't have a good legal justification for breaking up the banking system.

Kenneth C. Griffin

It is incredible to come to work every day surrounded by individuals whose insights and efforts place us at the forefront of finance.

Kenneth C. Griffin