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The greatest sin is judgment without knowledge.

Kelsey Grammer

The greatest sin is judgment without knowledge.

Kelsey Grammer

I became an actor, and because I had success as an actor, I became famous. I was acting for quite a while before I got famous; television made me famous. I guess that it's television that is responsible for everybody's desire to be famous.

Kelsey Grammer

I think it's important to approach a house in a way that's reflective of the original environment. Maybe I'm a sentimentalist, but I think that certain geographies call out for certain architecture. I like residences that reflect their place.

Kelsey Grammer

I want to speak seventeen languages. When you think like that, you'll be consumed by failure. I'm haunted daily by what I don't know.

Kelsey Grammer

I'm someone who likes to try new things and take on new challenges. I love making movies, but TV is also great. I really enjoy doing both.

Kelsey Grammer

I remember the defining moment when I first realised I was famous. I was in Africa staying in the little tent city there by the Masai Mara River. Two guys with spears looked at me and said, 'Frasier?'

Kelsey Grammer

I had a kind of romantic notion about being a Hollywood Errol Flynn type.

Kelsey Grammer

There are so many people that would be lined up to get their cut that even trying to finance a reboot of 'Frasier' would be nightmarish.

Kelsey Grammer