Famous Quotes

Trending Kangana Ranaut Quotes

Imagine: in the medieval ages, there was no evidence of how the history of mankind has been affected by witchcraft. But there is significant factual history of how brutality and sadism of mankind have been displayed in the most obscene manner in the name of witch-hunt.

Kangana Ranaut

What can you do if they have slapped you with a legal notice? You have to reply. For all you know, they have taken you to jail or something.

Kangana Ranaut

Freedom of being alone is intoxicating.

Kangana Ranaut

My views are very fluctuating. I have very contradictory takes on the subject. Dating is easier, while marriage is hard work. You see your friends having early divorces, and on the other hand, you see your parents having a successful marriage.

Kangana Ranaut

What can you do if they have slapped you with a legal notice? You have to reply. For all you know, they have taken you to jail or something.

Kangana Ranaut