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The emphasis and value on ideas and original thinking is an innate part of British culture, and in many ways, that describes the traditions of design.

Jonathan Ive

Apple's goal isn't to make money. Our goal is to design and develop and bring to market good products.

Jonathan Ive

A small change at the beginning of the design process defines an entirely different product at the end.

Jonathan Ive

To design something really new and innovative you have to reject reason.

Jonathan Ive

'Design' is a word that's come to mean so much that it's also a word that has come to mean nothing.

Jonathan Ive

It's a very strange thing for a designer to say, but one of the things that really irritates me in products is when I'm aware of designers wagging their tails in my face.

Jonathan Ive

What we make testifies who we are. People can sense care and can sense carelessness. This relates to respect for each other and carelessness is personally offensive.

Jonathan Ive

It's a very strange thing for a designer to say, but one of the things that really irritates me in products is when I'm aware of designers wagging their tails in my face.

Jonathan Ive

The form of computers has never been important, with speed and performance being the only things that mattered.

Jonathan Ive

There's no learning without trying lots of ideas and failing lots of times.

Jonathan Ive

Good is the enemy of great.

Jonathan Ive

Perhaps I'd like to design cars, but I don't think I'd be much good at it.

Jonathan Ive

The best ideas start as conversations.

Jonathan Ive

I discovered at an early age that all I've ever wanted to do is design.

Jonathan Ive

There is beauty when something works and it works intuitively.

Jonathan Ive